Sunday, May 14, 2017

Why Mommy Trude is the best?

"Every mom in the world is the best." President James E. Faust once said,  "One of humankind’s greatest blessings is for righteous womanhood to hold “the highest place of honor in human life” and to be “the perfect workmanship of God.” Today on Mother's Day, I would like to share some of the best lessons "my mother taught".  I hope one day my daughter will learn the same things because truly our examples are the best teachers. 

My mother taught me that "Faith" is doing our best and believing that the Lord will provide.
There was a time in our life when my father was laid off. We didn't have money. There was no food for the next meals. My mother asked me to change. She said, "let's go. We will find and bring home food". After we said a prayer, we went to my mom's friend. We cleaned their house and folded clothes. We came home that night with full of groceries in our hands. I learned from that experience that faith is trusting in the Lord's tests. He will be there no matter what. He will never forsake us.

My mother taught me to take care of my spirit and my body. 
These two should and always a combo. My mother's love for health and the word of God is so evident in her day to day life. We had our regularly early morning exercise and scripture study when we were young. We used to wake up at 5:00 AM. We stretched and flexed together as a family in front of our house. My mother taught us to detoxify toxins from our bodies. We learned to eat vegetables and fruits. She also introduced us to a variety of fruits juices and herbs. My mother is the best reflexologist. I never had to drink any medicine when I was sick. Her magic touch was enough. I grew up hearing her say, "Early to bed, early to rise. Makes a man healthy and wise!"
I developed a love for reading the scriptures because of my mother.
In 2nd Nephi 32:3, it says "Angels speak by the power of the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak the words of Christ. Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do. My mom demonstrated what it means to feast upon His words.  Feasting is a gradual process that starts in "liking" to read because there's someone or something that pushes you to do so, (my mom). Then it becomes a habit. You obey this time because of love. You are "loving" it. Feasting is equivalent to  needing" it. You need to read just like how you need the air to breathe. You feel incomplete without doing it. From like to love, then to need. Feasting is more than reading it daily. It is delighting in the words of God by prayer, study journals, likening and personal applications of the principles learned. Thus, leading us to becoming like the Savior. This is how she studies the holy scriptures.

My mother taught me the importance of education and learning skills. 
When I started school in kindergarten, I never liked it. I was mostly absent and I didn't even attend my graduation. So my first year, first grading period in elementary was worst. My classmates already knew how to read and write fast. I was lost. But I don't remember my mom pressuring me to get A's/ 100% at school but she motivated me to do better by a "reward system". And yes, I was 1st honor at the end of the school year.
She also believed in me. There is so much power in that phrase. I hope every parent will believe in their child because believing is the beginning of becoming. My passion for writing started when my mommy discovered a write up I made when my favorite dog died. She told me that I am a good writer and she kept that little note I wrote. I love that she values what I can do. She taught me how to do laundry, to be clean, to speak English fluently, to sew my clothes and to be organized in all things.

My mother taught me to love music. 
Music runs in the blood of my mom's family. They are all musicians. My mother learned how to play the piano and the guitar by herself. I remember when I was still in primary, my mommy bought a small organ and she taught us the basics patiently. I guess mom was very successful at this because all of us 6 children learned how to play the piano and the guitar plus my eldest sister also learned how to play the drums. We actually had a band named "the Persons" before.
And yes! We had our first voice lesson by mom! She was a choir conductor since I was a baby. And today she is a choir member in the states.
We had so much videoke days when we were kids. Mom usually turns on the TV and the microphone and each of us take turns singing while cleaning the house. Oh I miss my childhood days. There's so much fun because of mom!

My mother taught me to serve the Lord in any circumstance. 
My mother is a servant of the Lord. She has a very valiant testimony. She loves it. She lives it. I will never forget her big bags with all her visual aids, books, scriptures and music sheets in them every time we go to church. My mom is a great teacher. She expounds the doctrines
of Christ very well. She is vibrant and energetic! Fired up & ready to go. We had many days spent at the temple together. We searched and performed temple ordinances for our ancestors. She inspires us to always be willing to act upon and not to be acted upon. She taught us that the more we serve, the greater the power we can receive from the Lord.

My mother taught me to be strong and to learn how to make myself happy.
In times of trials and pains, I never see my mom self-pitying nor in a corner crying. But she's always positive. Faithful people always see things in an eternal perspective. My mom never blames. She taught me that sometimes life can be unfair, we might be unfortunate or failures will come but these should never determine our future. We have the power to choose and change our paths. We can celebrate each day. Happiness is and will always be our choice. I realized that one of the measurements of a successful parenting is to be able to teach our children how to make correct decisions even without our supervision. To teach them to stand on their own with dignity and integrity. My mom taught me that even in darkest times, we can smile! Life can be tough but a good humor will help you get through it.

Finally, my mother taught me to be a mother. 
I feel like I can sit all day enumerating  what she has taught not just to me but to all of us. My mother taught me that being a mother is the best and noblest calling in life. She was working when she had me. Now that I am a working mom, I realized that no honor is better than to be a good mom. I really don't know specifically what a good mom is. But I guess just like how my mom defined it through her ways, being a good mom is to love your child untiringly. It is to be a parent not according to our will but His will.  A good mom recognizes her imperfections and will do her best to keep the Spirit of the Lord with her so she can serve her children better. In the end the bottom line of being parents is to help each child return to God's kingdom safely.

My mother is not a "tropa or a barkada type". She was my trainer, a mentor. In the scriptures it says, "Train up a child in the way she should go, and when she is old, truly she will not depart from it."  (Proverbs 22:6) To my dear mother, know that I feel extremely grateful that you are someone I call, "MY MOTHER". Just like how I used to say it every night before I go to sleep, I love you, I really do.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Emma Joy's Baptism

What a great privilege to witness this very important and special event in the life of Emma, Kev and Irene's daughter. We love you and we pray that you will always remember the promises that you made with Heavenly Father.

Emma was baptized by her Daddy Kev.